
¡Hola y Bienvenidos!

I am an acquisition-driven Spanish teacher. I help my students acquire language through a variety of comprehension-based activities, rather than teach language through vocabulary memorization and grammar rules. I believe vocabulary and grammar do have their place, but it is not my main focus.

I created this website for Spanish teachers, my students, and their families.

Teachers will find tips, techniques, and resources to help support their students on their language acquisition journey.

Students and their families will find information about lessons and resources to support learning in between lessons.

I earned an undergraduate and graduate degree in Spanish Education. I am certified to teach K-12 Spanish and am currently pursuing an ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) certification.

Over my nineteen-year teaching career, I spent ten years in the classroom setting and the past nine years privately tutoring and teaching children of various ages, including my own.

I grew up in New Jersey and currently reside in Charlotte, NC with my husband, Jim, daughters, Lexi (8) and Kristi (5), and our rescue dog Mia (2).

I am passionate about teaching, learning new things, health, wellness, and raising kind humans.